Oooh weeee, did I have some fun today! This photo is my favorite from all the images I took of a pink camellia blossom (props to the obliging bush by the front door) created by shooting through different types of textured glass.
Here is my original subject:

Thanks to Fern at White Center Glass for all the cool samples! She hooked me up with different patterns, some of which I was sure would work yet didn't, and some I thought certainly would not but did. I am grateful she was so generous or I wouldn't have gotten my favorite shot of all (at the top).

It's fun to see what the bending of light will render. I'm not sure I'd want some of these on my walls, but it's all about experimenting, right? As an artist, I must kill my need to create perfection right off the bat or I won't grow.

So what do you think? Do the effects speak to you? Which is your favorite?