Oooh weeee, did I have some fun today! This photo is my favorite from all the images I took of a pink camellia blossom (props to the obliging bush by the front door) created by shooting through different types of textured glass.
Here is my original subject:

Thanks to Fern at White Center Glass for all the cool samples! She hooked me up with different patterns, some of which I was sure would work yet didn't, and some I thought certainly would not but did. I am grateful she was so generous or I wouldn't have gotten my favorite shot of all (at the top).

It's fun to see what the bending of light will render. I'm not sure I'd want some of these on my walls, but it's all about experimenting, right? As an artist, I must kill my need to create perfection right off the bat or I won't grow.

So what do you think? Do the effects speak to you? Which is your favorite?
Karen, I liked the second photo (right under the "real thing"). It sang to me. I also loved your quote: I must kill my need to create perfection right off the bat or I won't grow. I just tweeted about it and put a link to your blog. Hugs, Carolyn Brown
I love your favorite. It has a very Monet,impressionist feel to it. From farther back a viewer believes he/she sees something, that when examined at a closer distance is not quite so crisp or clear. It requires the viewer to bring something to the art to find its root essense and true beauty.
I like the second to the last photo as well. The glass you used leaves the image appearing as if the flower is under very clear, ice, as if water was in movement above the flower and was suddenly, instantly frozen, encapsuling the beauty below it...almost like a lover who could not bear to live without his love and trapped her in a spell in order to admire her beauty, but realizing the ice between them would always keep them apart.
Thank you for sharing your art, but more importantly, thank you for being you and sharing yourself! xoxo Linda in AZ
Wow! I love your creativity with this experiment and the different effects each created. I could see how some are very watery feeling and others are very impressionistic or graphic and almost art deco. Something for everyone here. You are immensely talented and thank you for the visual gifts!
The blocky version really called to me. It had an abstract quality for me with the yellow square creating a very focused and intense center with just a whiff of whimsy blanketing the whole thing. Also, I think I tasted a little bit of currant, maybe chocolate?, and it had a strong top note with a smooth finish.
They're all beautiful especially the 5th and and the last one.The last one looks like it was shot during the rain ,amazing.Your work is absolutely stunnung,Thank you for sending me a link to the photos
elidenia and her daughter ellen
Hello Auntie Karen! I enjoyed each one very much. I've been without internet for a couple years and haven't been able to really see all your beautiful work. I must say I'm envious for sure! My favorite is the fourth one. The glass kind of recreates the petals of the flower. Each time I look at it I see a new bloom and a calming feel. Very pretty.
Hello Karen
I really enjoyed the series, seeing the differing points of view..my favorite changes every time I look at them...could see them all in a row on a canvas on a wall...the work is fabulous....
hugs to you
You really are quite the artist. I love your images
LOVE them all, favs are 1,3 and 4 under the original flower. Thank you for sharing your space with us deary. Love you. Ramona
I really love the photo of the original flower. The variations are interesting, but Nature just can't be improved on.
However, I admit that I'm a purist and detest most artificial things unless they're so way out there that they become a new entity in and of themselves.
Hi Karen...I like the 3rd one under the original. It's like all broken and lends to the fact that there is hope in its repair process...one just simply knows it is beautiful!
I love that you are re-creating!
These are cool. I like the blocky one the best and then the last image that kinda looks like rain or tears. I find those two the most evocative. Your favorite is really interesting visually, because it looks like thick paint brush strokes and I wouldn't have guessed it was glass distorting the image like that unless you'd told me. Keep creating.
Hey KUS,
I was just thinking I'd love to see you shoot people and see what stories your composition, etc. would tell. I think they'd be great.
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